4th Dinner Meeting- April 18, 2019

Date: Thursday, April 18, 2019
Time: 5:30pm - 8:30pm
Location: Tower Club
Speaker: Lester B. Law, Esq., Franklin Karibjanian & Law PLLC

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Basis and Migrating Clients from Community Property States

and The Power of Appointment Support Trust

Speaker:  Lester B. Law, Esq.

Franklin Karibjanian & Law PLLC

This presentation is based on the basis of property death, the outright transfers and assets in Irrevocable Grantor Trusts (IGTs).  The basis for Community Property and the use of Community Property Trusts (CPTs) and the basis adjustment mechanism and the use of Power of Appointment Support Trusts (POASTs)

This presentation has applied for 1 hour of continuing education credit for the following disciplines:

CLE (legal), CFP® (Certified Financial Planners) and CPE(Accountancy)

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